The Simons Foundation through the Research and Graduate studies in mathematics and its applications (RGSMA): A network approach shall offer a limited number of partial support/full support for PhD and MSc students tenable at the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) for the period August 2019 – April 2020. The fellowships will be in the areas of Biomathematics, Insurance/Financial Mathematics, Analysis and Algebraic/Differential geometry.

Financial Support/ Application Deadline: 31 October 2019.
Fellowships may cover tuition fees, monthly stipend, accommodation or travel subsidy.

Referees Report: Applicants should fill the application form for the scholarship which is available at and give two names of their referees (at least one of whom should be of reputable academic professional standing). Referees are urged to send their reports to:

Prof. Edward M. Lungu,


Telephones: +267 71216767 (Mobile)

and /or

Prof. Habtu Zegeye Hailu
