Although higher education has developed immeasurably in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), it’s shortfalls are well-documented. Studying conditions are not keeping track with the increasing number of students. Lecture halls are overcrowded, laboratories and libraries are insufficient and living conditions precarious.

Higher education, marked by gaping inefficiencies, has a crippling effect on human capital and stunting the development of SSA nations. The use of information and communication technologies in these institutions continues to be relatively low and makes for a climate that produces graduates whose start at a significant disadvantage compared with their counterparts in the developed world.

Faced with inadequate training and research conditions and low scholarly incentives, there is a strong temptation for many among the brightest students and teaching staff to seek better living conditions in other countries or regions. The dramatic situation prevailing in Africa will not be reversed unless we find solutions to reduce the deterioration of the education system in the region.

The RGSM project offer a collaborative, forward-thinking initiative aimed at improving the quality of higher education in SSA specifically the area of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The program will provide a platform for experienced teachers and researchers in the SSA region to coordinate their efforts in training and research in Pure and Applied Mathematics.

The MSC degree program will prepare students for PhD research in Pure Mathematics, Bio-mathematics, Insurance Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical and Epidemiological Modeling. It is envisaged that by the end of 5 years, the program we will have added at least 8 MSC and 8 PhD graduates. In addition, the program expects to publish at least thirty five (35) journal articles and at least sixty (60) conference/seminar papers during the project period.